Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Moo on James

From Douglas Moo's commentary on James 1:21:

"The repeated failures of Israel to obey the law that God gave to them had made it clear that the human heart was not capable of submitting to external rules. A new, interior work would have to be done, giving people a "new heart"...so that they could respond truly and obediently to God's word. James's language [in 1:21] reminds his readers that they have experienced the fulfillment of that wonderful promise. But it also reminds them that the word that has saved them cannot be dispensed with after conversion. God plants it within his people, making it a permanent, inseparable part of the believer, a guiding and commanding presence within."

Douglas J. Moo. The Letter of James (Kindle Locations 1355-1359). Kindle Edition.

Delayed...but not forgotten!

For those of you have been tuning in, I apologize for my absence as of late! Other things far more important than this ol' blog have needed my attention. Nonetheless, I'll try to keep things coming!

Here is a thought-provoking link regarding pastors and PhD's. Would love it if someone would comment on whether you agree with the author or not!
