Friday, February 24, 2012

Does seminary count?

Seems like balance is hard for most of us to come by. All of us have a dizzying array of relationships and responsibilities to tend to each week (if not each day), and it's difficult to know always how to keep everything in its right place.

As a seminary student, one of things I wrestle with the most is how to balance my study for school and my service to the church. On the one hand, of course, we need to be engaged in the life of our local body, loving it and using our gifts for its benefit. Some of the sweetest moments for me are when I can directly apply my seminary training to a particular situation. On the other hand, at times I wonder if  studying itself "counts" as service to the church, even if there is not any immediate benefit to the body from it. Is the preparation for ministry just as valuable as actual ministry?

Any thoughts?


  1. Sharpening the axe is one of the habits of highly effective people. I was tempted to drop out of Moody after my 2ndwork year and transfer to another school that was more involved in weekly soul-winning bus routes. I am glad that I stayed the course. My lifelong impact has been of greater influence even if the short-term gain may have been different. Even in ministry we learn that the needs around us are always greater than an individual can meet. Time in study and reproducing others makes me more appreciative of the BODY.

  2. Dave,
    I actually thought about you a lot when I posted this. I love the fact that you are a life-long learner and that you are ever "sharpening the axe." I for one am glad you stayed at Moody, if for nothing else I was able to meet you!
    Thanks as always for the thoughts!
