Sunday, February 12, 2012

Seasoned veterans

Recently I sent out an email to a handful of pastors asking them them the following questions:

1. What was one thing that was very helpful to you in terms of preparing for pastoral ministry?

2. Looking back, what do you think would have been beneficial to you in terms of preparing for pastoral ministry that you did not experience prior to entering the ministry?

Though I've not received responses from everyone, I thought it might be good just to post these two replies. Very helpful.

Response #1

"1. Most helpful - opportunities to do the work of ministry before becoming a pastor. Preaching to our small church on Sunday evenings (started with 10 minute messages when the youth group led the service), speaking at school Bible clubs, doing pastoral visitation at hospitals and nursing homes with my pastor (my father), attending congregational business meetings to learn Roberts Rules of Order by observation, Secular work as a restaurant manager taught people skills and project management. I was provided opportunities to success or fail and learn from those experiences.
2. Missed - training in the legal system. Much of my counseling ministry involved people who overlap with the legal system - divorce,  protective orders, living will and end of life decisions, bankruptcy and foreclosure, etc. People's spiritual needs are not isolated from social and financial concerns."

Response #2

"There were a lot of helpful things, but since I can just pick one I would say 6 years in the US Air Force and 3 years in business prior to ministry.  Having life experience outside of ministry was invaluable to me in relating to people as well as preaching.  I was able to understand people's worlds much better and that was so important when I became a pastor.  For many reasons that I can think of.  Respect for clergy is no longer just given with the position as it used to be.  I think living in the world outside of ministry goes a long way in getting respect from the people you are pastoring.
I wish I had more Bible classes in my undergraduate degree prior to seminary.  I also wish I had more counseling classes."

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