Friday, April 27, 2012

The Tyranny of Multitasking

I thought I could do it. I thought I could make it work. But I was wrong- it wasn't working. In fact, I now believe it can't work.
You see, I had fallen into the trap of thinking I could multitask.
Many of us live under the tyranny of productivity. We fear being still and silent. Rest we see as a great enemy, something to be slain savagely through endless toil and, of course, multitasking. It is not enough to constantly be doing- we must be doing multiple things simultaneously. The problem is we can't do it. At least not efficiently. If nothing else I must admit that as soon as I add another task on top of the one I'm already doing, I have to some degree cut my level of focus on the first task. As soon as that happens, productivity wanes. And therein is the irony: that which was to increase productivity - multitasking - actually decreases it. In some cases this is fine and acceptable. But in those things that truly matter, we owe it the task to be as focused as possible.
So, let me encourage you (and myself): be liberated from the tyranny of multitasking. Your productivity depends on it.

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